Lean Six Sigma High School-Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Cincinnati

Lean Six Sigma Curriculum for Cincinnati High School Students

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Lean Six Sigma High School-Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Cincinnati

Unlike what many believe, learning LSS at a young age is quite possible as long as the right trainers and in charge of the group of teens. It’s not only about learning the methodology but also helping practitioners develop the skills they need so students will actually gain all the benefits of LSS. Many would disagree with it, as LSS was only introduced to students recently, and only a few see the benefits. Lean Six Sigma Curriculum for Cincinnati High School Students of Ohio is one of the few companies with experts willing to train high school students and lead them through the process of knowing how to benefit from the methodology for their future projects and jobs.

It is crucial to realize that Six Sigma can only be applied by a practitioner and not a company as if it was the party learning how to utilize it. This is absurd if you think about it.

This is why high school students get the chance to reap the rewards of continuous growth, process improvements, waste reduction, and lower costs by being great experts after training. The key to this process is ensuring that students understand how to get the most out of it and not only see it as a way to acquire more knowledge based on theory and concepts.

What is the main reason to prioritize LSS inculcation for high school students? Simple. They get to develop valuable skills such as leadership, and they will add value to their curriculums as more companies and industries are seeking experts in it.

However, if we have to focus on education itself, students get the chance to go over practice and what they can do, as these years at school won’t allow them to understand how processes and cycles work.

Based on our experience, we believe that a great school should have the ability to think about the students’ best interests. Every school, school board, and educational institution should have a Sigma program for this very reason. 

Students will have the opportunity to gain valuable tools that can improve their education and help them in the workplace.

Although it may seem difficult to find Lean 6 Sigma training for them since not all experts are willing to tackle this challenge, we are here to offer you all the solutions to it.

When reaching out to our experts, information will be provided based on the belt level requested as well as the outline of the program you have chosen to follow, or that is for your students. 

What High School Students Learn with Sigma

To learn terminology, concepts, and how to implement Sigma, all individuals should have access to Yellow Belt Training and Certification. This level is more about the text and study than the actual practice.

Students and institutions will have to decide if they wish to receive the advanced belt that is linked to the yellow one, a Green Belt, as it involves most of the practice, but training at this level can only be taken and considered if you are a Yellow Belt practitioner.

More LSS belts are available, but the yellow and green belts are the only ones they have access to for two reasons.

  • Experience in working with companies and industries, as well as the implementation of the methodology, are required for advanced belts.
  • It is important to fully understand the process and acquire valuable skills that will help students meet their individual needs. This is possible only with the first two belts. You will learn everything you need to know about the method and how it works.

If you want your students to have access to both training and certificates, we can make it possible by establishing a program dedicated to them.

However, if you wish to instill a yellow belt or green belt alone, we will evaluate the possibilities and help you work around this.

Of course, you are welcome to apply to our training if you are a student that doesn’t want to wait for a school that isn’t giving you all the knowledge and training you would want.

Certificates for International Recognition

You or students should be eligible for certification if they have completed the training or course successfully. Even if they have been trained by other experts, what if they didn’t get a hold of their certifications? We offer our students the chance to take the exam to verify their knowledge and eligibility, as we know some high schools or individuals have been trained by other companies.

LSS certification allows you to work in companies and earn credits towards graduation. It is also a valuable asset in any career path that you choose.

Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Pros of Cincinnati can offer more options to high school students and make sure the certification is worthwhile.