Contact Us-Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Cincinnati

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Contact Us-Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Cincinnati

Lean Six Sigma Curriculum for Cincinnati High School Students of Ohio has a team of experts who can help you understand LSS and implement it in your school or college. We don’t limit our work to small groups, companies, or institutions alone. We will take on any interested individual and ensure they can learn all it takes to be valuable assets for companies they decide to work for or for their own projects and businesses so they can thrive.

How will we make this possible?

  • Our company will create a program for you and your employees to train and become certified so the entire company is in compliance with the methodology and knows how to work around it.
  • We offer training for professionals and students, which means you don’t have to wait for your business or even high school or college to take LSS training or access any of our solutions.

LSS certification and training are just a few of the options we offer. Despite our focus on this methodology, we have found that we can greatly benefit schools and companies in terms of leadership and innovation skills.

We know how important leaders are and what challenges companies and individuals face when being innovative and creating new products and services. This is why we added these two main solutions.

  • Leadership Excellence.
  • Innovation Consulting.

Before you make a decision, let us help you decide if LSS is right for you.

Students in high school or college can use LSS to provide career opportunities and credit for graduation.

Employers can benefit from college student’s and future professionals’ skills and knowledge. Our students are trained and certified to work in any industry, which makes it even better.

Our goal is for anyone who decides to get trained and certified to achieve great results around improvements, processes, and steps.

What LSS Training and Certification Are Available?

Our main training and certifications are Yellow Belt Training and Green Belt Training. Your certification can be achieved depending on which one you choose and after your training phase.

Only after you pass our final exam do we issue certification. This will allow you to prove your knowledge and ensure you comply with all elements of Six Sigma. However, keep in mind that a yellow belt certificate will be needed for those that aim for a green belt, as the first one works as a prerequisite.

Certificates will show that you can complete large-scale projects and your industry knowledge.

Depending on the training option, training can take between 7 and 20 days. Students can set their own training schedules, and we will offer specific solutions based on their needs.

The same opportunities are available to business professionals. Training sessions can be arranged for students, professionals, and high school students. We can help you with different times and options.

You can learn at your own pace and come to us at any time that suits you. This is true for both the Leadership Excellence course and the Innovation Consulting workshops. Please contact us if you have any questions or are unsure what you need.